Saturday 17 September 2016


"Mrs Yang is a self-confessed animal abuser who admitted on a YT vid she made about herself before Yulin 2015 that she was going to Yulin to buy more dogs while her own were STARVING! To illustrate this she filmed herself going to her bank to draw out $42,000.
Only hoarders go to get more dogs when they can't look after the ones the ones that they have properly. Mrs Yang has apparently admitted she has problems and is supposed to be on the road to becoming a reformed character. The problem is that one just about never hears of people found to be hoarding being rehabilitated as hoarders are notorious for being next to impossible to reform. The way hoarders operate is indicative of their mindset and habits formed over their lifetime, including what they have never learned - and as part of the way they have chosen to live their life, that doesn't change so easily. Hoarding is only second to puppy farming in the cruelty perpetrated on the animals and we know that Mrs Yang does that as well. That is why it is suspected that Mrs yang moved her shelter to be next to the river and claimed to be flooded, when no one else was because they had taken normal measures to protect against the torrential rain which happens every year.
Mrs Yang also admits on video to using a stick against the dogs, and careful scrutiny of her face shows she is clearly constantly worried that the dogs may turn on her - as well they might - hence Mrs Yang always has a stick near at hand.
Apart from her show shelter which she uses to solicit yet more donations, Mrs Yang keeps her other squalid shelters filled with junk in a filthy germ-ridden state. Again on a YT video Mrs Yang made herself, she admits that her animals have not seen a vet once in twenty years. Bearing in mind the often terrible state of animals rescued from the dog meat trade, and their pressing need for good quality nutrition and crucial medical care, that in itself is animal abuse. In another country, Mrs Yang would have been shut down, fined and even imprisoned a long time ago.
WHAT THE DOGS ARE FORCED TO GO TO THRU IN MRS YANG'S HELLHOLE SHELTERS IS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS IN HUMAN HELL HOLE CONCENTRATION AND REFUGEE CAMPS where people are not given proper living quarters and are deprived of adequate food and medical attention! The many thousands of dogs, and cats, that Mrs Yang ought to have had by now, but have in fact disappeared, were not rehomed. There is no doubt that their destination was to go back to the dog meat trade, as there is nowhere else they could have gone.
There have been so many glaring inconsistencies in Mrs Yang's story including her latest obvious photo-shops of dogs at one of her many derelict shelters. It is sobering that some people still choose to be so oblivious to the truth staring them right in the face and still choose to believe she is a genuine rescuer in spite of all the evidence that she is anything but.
Clearly, there is a degree to which some people are being manipulated by their sympathy for the underdog, the old, the poor, the alone (even though Mrs Yang has never been alone and is always with her daughter and son-in-law and a few 'friends'), coupled with people's hatred of the law and authority and fat cat executives, etc. Still at the end of the day, there is no excuse for ignorance, arrogance, lack of discernment, turning a blind eye to abuse, and promoting an obvious animal abuser, etc.
Just as with Bill Cosby, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile, whistleblowers who genuinely care what is happening to the cats and dogs who are the real victims in this, are being stalked and hate campaigned against. Nevertheless they understand the importance of the truth they are working to reveal and they will not be silenced, no matter what the cost. People who refuse to accept that abuse has taken place when it clearly has are often regarded as more at fault than the original abuser.
Now many in China and abroad are now working to expose Mrs Yang and those like her. For sadly, Mrs Yang is not alone and there are many in rescue - yes, even charities, even those with wonderful reputations as well as those with justifiably bad reputations - who are keen just to get their hands on the money, not just in the East, but in the USA and UK and anywhere else where donations are available.There are many who have vested interests in the dog meat trade, which like the dolphins, is a cash cow and buying dogs, paying to shut down farms and slaughterhouses, is only going to make it a fatter cash cow. It is not going to help the cats and dogs in the trade.
When the truth comes out as it inevitably will, many will be put to shame for their ignorance/apathy/arrogance/stupidity, and their abject failure to accept what was staring them in the face all the time. Those who forced their ill-judged opinion on others, flying in the face of common sense and facts, should have left it to the experts. They are also responsible for the dogs and cats not getting the care they needed and the terrible suffering they and the genuine rescuers have endured because of it.
it's not just Mrs Yang, but many other famous 'hero rescuers' who are merely actors and figureheads created to attract donations. They have PR firms manage their public image and make convincing films and statements, all designed to attract donations. What they do very clearly does not even approach the massive amount of work needed to rescue dogs and cats.
Supporting and promoting fakes does nothing to help the dogs and cats, and only makes the situation much worse for genuine rescuers. There are genuine rescuers and we need to start listening to them, because they are not being heard. Maybe people don't want to hear what real rescuers have to say which is that they need more help than just having a few dollars thrown at them and people saying how wonderful they are!
For one thing, for animals to be genuinely rescued, they need to be placed into loving homes, which often proves to need a great deal of hard and costly work."



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